Muleshoe Bend

7.50 Miles
3stars (3.38)5
2point5stars (2.70)
2point5stars (2.50)
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Mix of woods and prairie
Mix of woods and prairie (Photo by plectrudis)
Funky lichen
Some kind of Usnea, I think? (Photo by plectrudis)
Another live oak
With big branch that arches down to the ground (Photo by plectrudis)
Nice, venerable, mossy iive oak
Nice, venerable, mossy iive oak (Photo by plectrudis)
Log Entries
Nice variety, nice facility, lots of lichen
By plectrudis on 12/26/2017
Rating: 3point5stars Difficulty: 2point5stars Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 7.50 Miles Duration: N/A
Nice variety of ecosystems, including cedar woods, hardwood forest, and prairie, as well as some lake views. Some up and down, but not so distractingly strenuous. There was almost no one else on the trail. Well marked and generally in good shape, like a number of other LCRA parks we've visited. It's not perfectly clear whether hikers are allowed on the biking trails, but we eventually decided that, yes, they are, and no one yelled at us, so apparently it was all good. Be sure to bring small bills, as the fee is collected via honor system, and you have to have the correct amount. Saw a lot of nice lichens.
By eyeshigh on 4/30/2016
Rating: 5stars Difficulty: 4stars Solitude: 5stars
Distance: 10.26 Miles Duration: N/A

I found this hike to be much more difficult than I anticipated,especially since I haven't been in hillcountry in so very long, but it was serene and just about perfect. I was passed several times by mountain bikers, but other than that, I was in complete solitude for hours at a time. I'm not sure how difficult more accomplished hikers would find this trail, but it took a lot out of me to finish the longer trail. I want to go back again after I've upped my game and do it again though!

fairly nondescript hike in forest next to lake
By haggai on 8/23/2008
Rating: 2stars Difficulty: 2stars Solitude: 2stars
Distance: 3.00 Miles Duration: 1 hour

Lots of mountain bikers, but we were the only hikers.  The countryside was nice enough, but nothing spectacular.  Maybe it's nicer when the lake isn't as low as it was when we hiked it..  Muleshoe Bend is more of a place to fish and swim than a place to hike.

By toobsox on 1/1/2007
Rating: 3stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 1star
Distance: 3.00 Miles Duration: 3 minutes
Mountain Biking Trail, not for hikers
By figment on 4/19/2003
Rating: N/A Difficulty: 4stars Solitude: halfstar
Distance: 8.00 Miles Duration: N/A
Muleshoe Bend has an 8 mile trail of singletrack built by and for mountain bikers. Not a good place to hike, because you'll be runover. There is a picnic area by Lake Travis, however.
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