A hike with lots of variety

Loose Rocks
This area between Big Rock and Little Rock looks like a rock pile.
User: kcameron - 7/26/2005

Location: Enchanted Rock

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: 2point5stars  Solitude: 2stars
Miles Hiked: 5.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A

Comments: We arrived early to avoid the crowds. Still, we met several people as we climbed and then descended the summit. We then worked our way along Sandy Creek and followed the trail that cuts between the Big Rock, Freshman Mountain and Turkey Peak. Once we got on this trail, and later the Loop Trail, we only met 2 other parties of hikers. I enjoy the variety of this park. You can climb the hills, climb the rocks, hike along the creek among the trees, and wander through Echo Canyon and the trees there. The Loop Trail is an excellent and smooth grade for beginning hikers.

Log Photos
Enchanted Rock
Little Rock
Loose Rocks
Balacing Rock
Jutting Rock
Hikers on the Summit