Austin Explorer's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 32 (Rank: 1st)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Average Rating: 2point5stars (2.77)

Earliest Log Entry: 12/25/2001
Latest Log Entry: 12/28/2013

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

Kyle Hanging Oak

An unknown man hung from this tree in the 1840's might have led to Kyle's cemetery being placed here. [Famous Tree - Kyle Hanging Tree]
Log Entries
Drought opportunity
Mansfield Dam Tramway - 12/28/2013  [View Log Page]
Rating: 2stars

Coppertone and I had been waiting for some time to see whether or not the drought would get to the point that the peninsula from Mansfield Dam Park would completely open up.  This weekend we drove by and saw a land bridge.

We had heard about the support bases for the tramway that was used to help construct Mansfield Dam being there and wanted to get a closer look.  We spent a few hours strolling about the spit of land that should be under water.  There are a few geocaches to find, shells to look at and a bit of history to view.

Only the smaller bases remain since the LCRA broke apart some of the larger ones to remove them as a boating hazard.

A place of rest, even now
Seiders Springs - 9/22/2012  [View Log Page]
Rating: 2point5stars

I'd passed by here while walking along the Shoal Creek Trail but failed to log it so I made a special visit today.  Though recent rains have contributed to some of the small springs' flow at this time there's still a couple that had some stagnant water pooled up beneath them.

A couple sat and laid on the nearby park bench reading and discussing nutritional topics with each other.  In the shade the temperatures were pleasant and the sound of trickling water made for a nice backdrop.

Edward H. Rogers Homestead - 9/13/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 2stars

Strange to see this oasis of a homestead in the middle of office buildings and railroad tracks.

Still there
Penn Field - 4/14/2011  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3stars

Stopped by during lunch today.  All of the buildings are there, but the wing-shaped water fountain is either not operational or has been removed.  Photos are from an earlier visit.

Preparing for Christmas
Moonlight Tower - Zilker Park - 12/1/2010  [View Log Page]
Rating: 2point5stars

Passed by the Moonlight Tower in Zilker on the way to lunch today.  They are preparing for another season as the Austin Christmas Tree with the lights and star strung up.  Soon there should be a nice nighttime light display to see.  Photo is from an earlier visit without the Christmas lights.