Hiking Mileage Rankings

RankUserMileageHikesAverageLatest Log Entry
220ksouth7.00 17.00 01/23/2008
220Landon Turnbow7.00 17.00 04/15/2006
220mr09737.00 17.00 10/03/2008
220nhoppens7.00 23.50 07/20/2008
220rastacane7.00 23.50 05/14/2011
220rdiamond7.00 23.50 07/10/2009
220Redwolf7.00 23.50 11/21/2010
220spacecitygirl7.00 23.50 01/31/2007
220txhipowr7.00 17.00 07/26/2004
220wardbd17.00 17.00 11/16/2006
220Woodlands Randy7.00 17.00 10/30/2008
237rhouston04056.85 32.28 01/17/2008
238karawynne6.80 32.27 08/07/2010
239chiricana6.75 23.38 04/25/2009
239supercobraz6.75 16.75 01/31/2009
2412AOutdoorsman6.70 16.70 01/26/2014
242blargfest6.50 23.25 03/16/2010
242glenlake5056.50 23.25 11/14/2005
242kernel6.50 16.50 12/29/2007
245GUnit6.30 16.30 09/04/2011
246austindan6.20 16.20 05/23/2010
246Kane6.20 23.10 01/07/2007
248mrhackerott6.03 23.02 12/11/2010
249austincyclist6.00 16.00 11/29/2013
249BigFrank36.00 16.00 07/12/2008

These stats only apply to activity recorded within the area covered by Hill Country Explorer.

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